Tuesday, March 18, 2014

An Introduction

Hello there.

Photo courtesy of tumblr

I want to tell you up front - I have tried doing a blog before, and it failed miserably. I have no graphic design or photo editing skills to speak of. When I would look at my past blogs, I would feel too annoyed with the way they looked to continue with them. Then, this great program Wix was released, and I was able to build a blog that didn't look horrendously unprofessional! It was the first step towards my goal...or so I thought. As great as it looked, it did not yet give you the capability to add multiple photos per blog post. That was going to be a problem. So here I am, back at blogspot. I decided that since I can't do much, I should go the minimalist route and just leave it very simple and manageable. At least it doesn't look cheesy. 

Though I can't use photoshop, I have become quite familiar with all those little iphone photo editing apps. You heard me correctly. This means most of the photos that go on here will be straight off my phone. Seems ridiculous, but you have to make do with the skills you have, right?!

I am very excited to share some things with you. I am most passionate about wholesome cooking, but I will also do some posts on home decor, crafts, etc. Also, I want to share positive thoughts and encouragement with you. We all need to be reminded of good things from time to time. 

As they say on NPR...."stay with me!"

Thanks friends,

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome!
    You should post some chapters from the fantasy novel ;)

